Undergraduate Course


The Department offers various programs concerning materials processing, structure-property of materials, thermodynamics, ceramics, electronic & magnetic materials, semi-conductor processing, etc. Also, graduate degree programs for M.S. and PhD. degrees are offered. Current research fields cover ceramics powder processing, metallography and design of alloys, display materials and various electronic & magnetic materials and computer simulation of metal fabrication processes.

Credit requirements for graduation

The department curriculum has three components: Liberal education requirements(42 Credits), a major(75 Credits), and electives.

Yr-Sem-R/E Course (Credit) Yr-Sem-R/E Course (Credit)
1-1-R Creative Engineering Design (3)  
2-1-R Semiconductor Device Fabrication Process Experiment (2)
2-1-R Principles of Materials Engineering (3)
2-1-E Engineering MathematicsⅠ (3)
2-1-E Physical Chemistry (3)
2-1-E Introduction to Mechanics of Materials (3)
2-1-E Basics of Quantum Physics (3)
2-2-R Advanced New Material Experiment (2)
2-2-E Ceramic Materials Processing (3)
2-2-E Thermodynamics of Materials (3)
2-2-E Semiconductor Processing Technology (3)
2-2-E Basics of Electric Circuits (3)
2-2-E Basics of Electromagnetism (3)
3-1-R Electrocatalysis Experiment (2)
3-1-E Phase Transformation (3)
3-1-E Thin Film Process (3)
3-1-E Electric and Magnetic Materials (3)
3-1-E Physics of Materials (3)
3-1-E Advanced Functional Materials (3)
3-2-R Semiconductor Packaging Experiment (2)
3-2-E Optoelectronic Materials (3)
3-2-E Mechanical Behavior of Material (3)
3-2-E Crystal Structure of Material (3)
3-2-E Electronic Ceramics (3)
3-2-E Metallic Materials (3)
4-1-R Material Structure and Properties Experiment (2)
4-1-E Phase Equilibria of Materials (3)
4-1-E Iron and Steel Making (3)
4-1-E Welding and Joining (3)
4-1-E Composite Materials (3)
4-1-E Semiconductor Physics and Devices (3)
4-2-E Smart Hybrid Materials Capstone Design (3)
4-2-E Statistical Process Control (3)
4-2-E Nano-Material and Its Application (3)
4-2-E Materials Characterization (3)
4-2-E Metallurgical Deformation (3)
4-2-E Fuel Cell and Battery Materials (3)

Courses Abstract

Creative Engineering Design
This course aims to establish the overall concept of engineering for students who are new to materials engineering. Learn creative and engineering thinking and develop engineering design skills through team-based projects.

Semiconductor Device Fabrication Process Experiment
This course conducts experiments to increase creativity and experiments related to semiconductor processing.

Principles of Materials Engineering
focuses on understanding, designing, and producing technology-enabling materials by analyzing the relationships among the synthesis and processing of materials, their properties, and their detailed structure. This includes a wide range of materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics, and semiconductors. Solid-state science and engineering focuses on understanding and modifying the properties of solids from the viewpoint of the fundamental physics of the atomic and electronic structure.

Engineering MathematicsⅠ
This course presents techniques for solving and approximating solutions to ordinary differential equations. It is primarily for student in disciplines which emphasize and contains 1st and 2nd order equations, Laplace transformation, boundary value problems. etc.

Physical Chemistry
This course presents stoichiometry, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, and transport properties.

Introduction to Mechanics of Materials
The course introduces principles of solid mechanics and stresses and strains of axial, torsion, bending loading conditions. Various topics such as mechanical behaviors of structural materials and thermal stresses of electronic devices are to be analysed.

Basics of Quantum Physics
Deepened by learning modern physics, establish that physics concept necessary to advanced material process, research, development

Advanced New Material Experiment
Experiments on the synthesis and application of advanced new materials in the high-tech industry, and assignments and discussions to improve creativity

Ceramic Materials Processing
Various processing technology for sintered ceramics and thick- and thin films are introduced. The lecture includes synthesis and characterization of fine ceramic powders, various forming technologies and sintering process. Application fields (electrical, magnetic, structural) of ceramic materials are also introduced.

Thermodynamics of Materials
This lectures on phase change such as solidification melting, evaporation, The 1st, 2nd and 3rd law of thermodynamic, enthalpy, entropy, free energy, Carnot cycle and general thermodynamic phenomena etc.

Semiconductor Processing Technology
This course provides an overview of semiconductor device fabrication procedures and processing techniques. Silicon wafer fabrication, oxidation, lithography, etching, diffusion, ion implantation, film deposition methods are covered in this course.

Basics of Electric Circuits
The course introduces basic theory of electronics necessary for experimental methods of materials engineering. Topics include direct current, alternating currents, basic linear circuit analysis, diodes, transistors circuits, etc.

Basics of Electromagnetism
Enrichment by the electromagnetism necessary for understanding of the magnetic material, dielectric, optical, etc., and establishes a foundation for the development field of materials.

Electrocatalysis Experiment
This course covers the synthesis of electrocatalysts and electrochemical analysis for energy conversion applications.

Phase Transformation
This course is designed to provide fundamental understanding in solidification, diffusion, phase transformation in metals and materials. Fick's first and second law of diffusion, fundamentals of solidification, thermodynamics of solid solution, nucleation and growth of precipitates, kinetic of phase transformation are covered in this course.

Thin Film Process
This course covers fundamentals of plasma physics, and industrial applications of low pressure plasma processes. Microstructural characteristics and analysis of thin films and some important technological applications of thin films are included.

Electric and Magnetic Materials
Various metallic, semi-conducting and ceramic materials are introduced for their diverse application in electronic and magnetic fields. To understand the principles of electronic and magnetic applications of the materials, circuit theory including fundamental concept of resistance, inductance, capacitance, and their DC and AC characteristics are also introduced.

Physics of Materials
Electronic structure of metals, semiconductors, and insulators are introduced focusing on the band theory. In particular, the lecture emphasizes the principles and application of semiconducting materials (intrinsic and impurity-doped) including p-n junction, diodes and transistors. Processing technology of semiconducting devices is also briefly introduced.

Advanced Functional Materials
This course deals with material chemistry for advanced functional materials in high-tech industries. In particular, various understandings for the synthesis of advanced functional materials based on electrochemistry and their electrochemical evaluations will be enabled. Based on this, it educates the understanding of the application fields of various advanced functional materials.

Semiconductor Packaging Experiment
Basic experiments and discussion for advanced semiconductor packaging

Optoelectronic Materials
This course helps students understand the fundamental operation principles and basic manufacturing processes of various display devices.

Mechanical Behavior of Material
An advanced materials science course dealing with the response of materials to applied forces. Mechanical fundamentals; stress-strain relationships for elastic behavior; theory of plasticity.  Metallurgical fundamentals; plastic deformation, dislocation theory; strengthening mechanisms. Mechanical behavior of polymers.  Applications to materials testing.

Crystal Structure of Material
This course deals with the material’s crystal structure and analysis, and learns materials related to material analysis, such as X-ray properties and diffraction principles required for crystal structure analysis, and XPS analysis using X-ray.

Electronic Ceramics
Lectures on electrical properties of semiconducting ceramics in terms of defect chemistry and electronic and ionic conductivity for the commercial application such as sensor, filter, resonator and memory devices.

Metallic Materials
Study on the metallurgical properties, manufacturing processes, applications, and applications of various steel and non-ferrous metal materials that are the basis of metallic materials.

Material Structure and Properties Experiment
Understanding the correlation between microstructure and properties through microstructural analysis and property evaluation

Phase Equilibria of Materials
This course aims to establish the concept of thermodynamic equilibrium of materials. Develop the ability to predict the stable phase and microstructure of materials through phase diagram analysis.

Iron and Steel Making
This course is designed to provide principles of iron and steel making, continuous casting. It covers thermodynamics in iron and steel making process, materials in iron and steel making process, iron and steel making systems, refining of melts, stainless steel making process, and future steel making process.

Welding and Joining
The course introduces various joining/welding processes and micro structural behaviour of materials in bonding processes. Joining of dissimilar metals and alloys, metal-ceramic bonding, soldering and brazing including electronic packaging are also to be studied. Thermal distortions and flaws in welding and brazing, reliabilities of electronic packaging are to be analysed.

Composite Materials
Principles, processing and applications of polymer, metal and ceramic matrix composite materials are introduced. Also advanced materials such as nano-composite, CNT, graphene are studied. Using mechanics and strength of materials mechanical and fracture behaviors of composites are analyzed in this course.

Semiconductor Physics and Devices
This course teaches Structure and operating principle of semiconductor devices (capacitors, transistors, LEDs, photodiodes, solar cells, future semiconductor devices) based on Solid-state physics basic theory that determines the electrical properties of semiconductors.

Smart Hybrid Materials Capstone Design
This course is to promote understanding and summarizing of real problems in materials engineering, creativity in solving open-ended, ill-defined problems, and practice in thinking and written and oral communication skills. It covers research documentation, proposal, progress reports, oral presentations, formal report, and discussion of topics related to problem solving and professional development.

Statistical Process Control
This course is designed to provide distributions, measures of central tendency, dispersion and shape, the normal distribution; experiments to compare means, standard errors, confidence intervals; effects of departure from assumption; method of least squares, regression, correlation, assumptions and limitations; basic ideas of experimental design, and basic computer graphics.

Nano-Material and Its Application
Nanomaterial fabrication and its characterization will be mainly covered in this class. The objective is coupled with the fundamental objective, which is to understand the relationship between thermodynamics, phase transformation, crystallography and other material theory. Also advanced materials such as cabo nanotube, graphene and other new materials and its application will be introduced.

Materials Characterization
This course deals with basic principles and analytical principles of instrumental analysis, structure and usage of instruments, experimental methods, experimental data processing and analytical methods.

Metallurgical Deformation
This course covers the basic plastic processing methods(forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing, etc.) related to the change of microstructure and mechanical properties due to the external force applied to metallic materials.

Fuel Cell and Battery Materials
This course will study the synthesis, process and application of fuel cell and battery materials, as well as in depth contents of fuel cell and battery material analysis, such as ion conductivity, electrochemical analysis, and material design, which are essential for energy material analysis.

Co-op(Cooperative Education)Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ
Site actual training of the students to lead and the objection which it learns from the university take a triangular position, necessary knowledge and technical find from thread industry.
